Canary Birds Have Been Ideal Pets for Centuries – Dallas Parrots

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The value of canary birds as pets was first recognized bythe Spaniards in the 15th century. Spain took ownership of the Canary Islands
early in the 1400s and noticed the beautiful singing birds. As a side note, the
birds became known as canaries because they came from the Canary Islands. Many
people think that the islands got the name because there are so many canaries
there. But it is the other way around. Canaries are also found in the Azores
and Madeira.


The early Spanish settlers and explorers knew that thepretty yellow birds with their melodic sounds would make perfect pets. They
also discovered that only male canaries sing. Clever businessmen that they
were, they controlled the market by creating a monopoly on male canaries. As
with any controlled product, the price of male canaries was high enough that
they were considered pets only for the wealthy. Are you looking for Canarybirds for sale? You’re on right place click here on hyperlink to visitcanary bird’s website.


As with any successful business venture, soon there werecopycats and canary birds became available in Italy and Germany, and from
there, they spread through the rest of Europe. At the same time, breeders began
refining the breed of canary birds so that the most appealing songsters, those
with the prettiest colors, and the best body structure were bred for their


The domestic canary birds that are available today aredifferent from the wild canaries that the Spanish first brought home for sale
due to the long selective breeding process. They are beautiful pets and can
bring joy into your home. They live up to 10 years.


They are easy to feed as they like human food. It is howevera better idea to feed them food designed for their breed. It has more of the
full range of nutrients that they need.


They also need a lot of water. They have a fast metabolismand can get dangerously dehydrated quickly.


If you wanted to breed your canary birds, they are wellsuited to raising their family in captivity. All you need is one pair of birds
sharing a cage. Just make sure that they have enough room to live together in
the cage. A good size is 2 feet by 4 feet. This gives them space to move
around. Canaries are not always in breeding mode. Typically they are fertile
when the days are 12 hours long. In many places, this eliminates winter and
summer when the days are either shorter or longer than 12 hours.


While they are small and delicate in appearance, canariesare fairly hardy. There is one thing that can be hard on them and that is rapid
changes in the environment. A draft can be very dangerous to your canary and a
sudden blast of chilly air can kill a canary.


A rule of thumb is if the breeze makes a candle flicker,then it is too drafty for a canary to live in that spot. Canary birds do like
sunlight but not direct sunlight that will overheat them.


Canary Cages - Tips onChoosing Canary Bird Cages


Unless you're going to let your bird fly around the house,you're going to need a cage. There are many things you need to consider when
buying canary cages. Two of the main considerations include size and type. This
article will give you a few tips on choosing the right canary bird cages.




Size is one of the most important things to consider.Canaries are small birds. This means they can easily fit between the bars of
the cage if they are spaced too far in between. Therefore, make sure you choose
a cage with half an inch of spacing at most.


Dallas Parrots has a remarkable collection of birds that areselectively bred to ensure they are healthy and strong. Each bird in their
possession has been nurtured with utmost care to enable them to integrate into
your household and live a happy life.


Their profound passion for their work is apparent in the waythey treat their birds. With years of experience, they have garnered knowledge
that can help you make an informed decision on the perfect feathered companion
for your home.


Having been in the industry for over a decade, DallasParrots boasts a wealth of experience in providing high-quality parrot breeds
to suitable owners. They take pride in developing a close relationship with
their clients and educating them on the best practices for taking care of their
new family members.




You will also need to think about the material that thecanary cages are made from. Some of the most common choices include wood,
plastic and metal. It's best to get a metal cage. Wood and acrylic plastic
cages can be difficult to clean, and you always want your bird cage to stay as
tidy as possible.


Metal cages are also far more durable. Stainless steel andpowder coated metal are definitely two good options. However, avoid designs
that have thin wire, as they will be less durable. If you invest in a quality
cage, then you likely won't have to buy another one anytime in the near future.




Another important consideration when choosing canary birdcages is its shape. When most people visualize cages, they think of a tall
domed shape. However, canaries like to fly around horizontally instead of
vertically. With this in mind, try to get a design that's pretty wide. For
further information click here