What to Do With Non-Selling Merchandise When You Start a Dollar Store

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If you are about to start a dollar store likely one of yourconcerns is to have the right dollar store merchandise on-hand to keep your
shoppers happy. Your hope is all products you offer will fly off the shelves as
quickly as they are put on display. While this is a great goal, the reality is
there will be some dollar store merchandise items that sell slowly or not at
all. And while it will probably be only a few, there will be some that just
seem to sit and collect dust. It is these super-slow and non-selling products
that should be of concern.


These slow-selling and non-selling products take up space,you have money tied up in them, and obviously shoppers are telling you they are
not of interest when they do not purchase. In this article I present some
powerful ways to handle this problem. If you are about to start a dollar store
it is important to take note. Implement these ideas to reduce and even
eliminate the unwanted products in your inventory.


* Create a display spotfor closeout sales.


One of the best actions you can take is to promote yourslow-sellers and non-sellers at great prices. Create an end cap or other
prominent small space and put them on display. Be sure to price these items so
they are purchased. Your goal is to sell out and use the money to purchase
hot-selling dollar store merchandise.


Overstock Goods Outlet is a buyer& seller of overstock, shelf pulls, surplus, and returns in the Atlanta,
Ga. area. They purchase freight loads of merchandise from major retailers and
catalog companies, which is sold for a fraction of the retail price. At
Overstock Goods Outlet we sell palletized merchandise online and here at our
local distribution warehouse.


They give our customers access to a wide variety ofmerchandise including; Electronics, Sporting Goods, Furniture, Appliance,
Housewares, Apparel, Domestics, Footwear, and Truck Loads of General


* Give bartering a try.


If you are about to start a dollar store then start thinkingcreatively. Try selling or negotiate trades with other businesses in the area.
Possibly another dollar store or retailer will want your slow and non-selling
items. In some cases they may be willing to pay cash. In others they may be
willing to make a trade.


* Use other creativeways to liquidate slow-selling and non-selling dollar store merchandise.


o Sell lots on craigslist.com - pull together batches ofproducts. List them for sale on craigslist.com. Try including a number of one
product, or batches of assorted products. You will soon find the right
combination to sell out.


o Offer larger quantities on eBay - whiles craigslist.comprovides exposure to local markets, eBay can provide much broader exposure. Try
the same as above. In one sale list a larger quantity of a single item. In
another assemble an assortment and see what happens.


* Plan ahead for theholidays.


Don't get carried away and as a result over-buy. Preplan andprovide a good assortment of items for all of the major holidays and seasons.
Start reducing prices on slow-sellers in advance of the actual holiday date so
you are sold out when the holiday itself does arrive. Never store unsold
merchandise from year to year. Slash prices so the items are always liquidated.


How to Sell SlowSelling Merchandise on eBay


Have you ever wondered how exactly is all the slow sellingmerchandise being sold on the internet? Well, you'll be surprise to find out
that inventory that does not preformed good is being sold on eBay. It’s no
different if the inventory is from a store or simply an eBay seller trying to
sell their slow selling merchandise.


With a little help you can sell a lot of you hard to sellmerchandise by simply understanding how to create a good hype orfinding out that your listing is not being found by potential customers. Learn
how many power sellers move a lot of slow selling merchandise and benefit on
multiple sales per day.


It's no secret to any seller on eBay; many times sellers areface with a reality that merchandise is sometimes very slow to sell. This
problem is giving toward some common reasons like bad search engine results,
slow market trends or yearly seasons.


No matter if you're a power seller or a new seller on eBayyou need to understand how to overcome the problem of selling your merchandise
that is performing very badly.


To begin you need to know how to recognize a slow trend inthe marketplace. Now trending is simply what people are searching for in search
engines. You can simply type in Trends on search engines and find the list of
trends and go over the top 100.


For example, a good reason your merchandise is not sellingcould be the yearly seasons. Is it near Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Father’s
Day or Veterans Day? Use the seasons to identify how to set your inventory to
target customers and target them using keywords.


A good hint for a listing weeks before Father’s Day shouldbe "Father’s Day Gift Ideas - Your Product Description" this way
people are trending Father’s Day Ideas. For sure your product listing is going
to score very high due to the keyword phrase "Father’s Day Gift


This will be a major keyword you need to add to your listingtitle and listing description. If you look for simple ideas on how to recognize
trending you can turn all your slow moving merchandise into a money making


Another reason your inventory could be selling badly is thepoor listing on your auction. Now don't be serious and ask yourself "If
you were a customer would you buy your product"? More than likely you
answered No! Spend time writing your listing and this is the reason you have
slow selling product in the first place.


The more text rich your description on your items the bettersearch engines will rate on search engines. For further information click here