After the Google Penguin, Panda updates, many site losttheir position on first page of search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.
After these event most webmaster are still struggling to get their site back up
to its formal position, and start enjoying the benefits of being on the first
While most of these website owners are struggling to getback others are enjoying the exposure from these huge engine sites by taking
the necessary steps to help boost their site and searchable by targeted
You too can start enjoying these benefits by giving yoursite a complete "SEO AUDIT andWEBSITE ANALYSIS".
What are SEO AUDIT and WEBSITE ANALYSIS and why is itimportant to your site?
This process that is carried out on website to determine theloopholes a have been denying the site to rank high on search engines.
In other words, it helps you to see what your site islacking and render possible solutions.
Some of these benefits of having a complete SEO audit service and website analysis are listed below:
It helps boost page ranking of a site.
It uncovers most of the items you site is lacking andprovides solution.
Makes your site searchable by visitors and search engineslike Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.
There are lots of companies offering this services at a veryexpensive rate, because of this most website owners finds it difficult to carry
out an audit, while some are not aware of such thing exit.
Growth Friday is confident in their experience and approach todigital marketing for small businesses, that they uniquely offer all of its
clients a 90-Day Performance Promise along with a number of other benefits of
partnering with them.
Their core experienced local team is located in sunny LosAngeles, California, with Growth Friday’s headquarters based right near the
water in Marina Del Rey, California.
For this process to be complete the company only needs yourpage URL, place it in the tools that will be used to get all the details of
your site. Mind you it does not reveal your website login details neither does
the company or individual doing job needs your login details to get the report.
Once the investigation is over a complete report detailingall the area that needed be improved upon will be send to you via email.
This often takes between 24 - 96 hours to be completed anddelivered. The price charge for this kind of job varies from persons - persons
and company to company. You can get a job like this done for as little as $5 to
There are lots of individual that will do such a huge taskfor $5 since they don't pay for any overhead cost, staffs or office space.
A lot of these individual posts their job offer online likeclassified ads sits, micro job sites e.g., handbills or flyers.
At there are lots of individual that will get thisjob done for $5 even better than most companies because they are SEO experts
that want to help other webmasters that are looking for how to boost their page
rank and are willing to do it for them at a cheaper rate.
So if you are looking for the cheapest SEO AUDIT and WEBSITEVALUATION for your site then click cheapest site audit and valuation at to help increase your page rank, traffic and visitors over and over.
SEO Auditing and WhyIt's Important
SEO auditing is one of the internet based marketing toolsthat are not only free, but a necessary marketing tool that will separate your
online business from its competitors.
The definition of SEO is the method used to boost theranking or frequency of a Web site in results returned by a search engine, in
an effort to maximize user traffic to the site.
The definition of Audit is a thorough check or examinationto inspect, correct, and certify.
When we put those terms together, especially when discussingonline marketing and strength of relevancy, the definition changes to become
the following: SEO Auditing is the ability of online users to alter and
strengthen their online relevancy to maximize qualified user traffic.
In order to begin the research and analytics portion of theSEO auditing process, the following free website SEO tools should be
Here are the top 5 SEO tools that not only make the researchand analytics process smoother, but also will help to educate online marketing
owners to better understand their business.
1. Wordtracker
2. Woorank
3. Google Keywords Tools
4. Yahoo Directory
5. Google Analytics
The 5 tools listed above with help with researching ofrelevant key terms, understanding your current SEO benchmark, developing a
strategy around new key terms that will help generate increased traffic and new
niche markets, how strong you online business currently is with anchor links,
and daily evaluations of traffic highs and lows.
An organic SEO service provider will also be able to helpwith your overall SEO auditing efforts as well. Typically, you will get a
marketing plan sample for online business when you partner with such a vendor.
However, many of the SEO auditing can be done in-house.
As most often, by changing title tags, Meta descriptions,Meta keywords and onsite content is enough to make an impact of altering the
way Google currently crawls your site.
The first thing to consider is to evaluate your current tagswhich include your title. The title of your web page will help Google identify
who and what your site is relevant for.
It is very important to keep this title fresh, relevant andspecific to what you want to tell the potential
Next is the description, which is really the firstopportunity to "sell" your services. Keep your description keyword
focused but also remember that consumers will want to read this section and
decide if they click into your site from Google.
Lastly, evaluate your onsite content to ensure consistencybetween all three dynamics. For Google to best understand what your site is
about, it will look for all three elements and determine if indeed the exact
keyword match or phrase exists in each.
So before spending money on external SEO PPC and offsite SEOinitiatives, clean up your onsite tags to ensure proper and relevant content,
to which Google is searching for. Explore more