High Ticket Marketing - Discover 6 Steps to IncreaseYour High Ticket Marketing 


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Do you want to boost your revenue? Who doesn't? If you wantto get a couple of steps closer to your financial freedom, you must strive to
always increase your high ticket sales.

What are high ticket sales? High ticket sales consist ofpremium online coaching, consulting, and class packages tailored to the
specific needs and desires of a more experienced or sophisticated client.
Clients demanding high ticket items allow you to maximize revenues with fewer

High Ticket closer are sales professionals whospecialize in selling quality products and services. Most high ticket closers
work on a commission basis, so their earning potential is directly related to
their ability to close sales.

There are a few things that set High Ticket Closer apartfrom other sellers. These people were very different from traditional
salespeople and were different. The term high ticket closer was coined by
various sales gurus, but has found wider application.

A high ticket closer is a term used in sales to describe anindividual who can generate a large amount of revenue for a company by closing
high-value deals.

Picture in your mind your ideal clients. Some clients needbasic information while some prospective clients require more detailed and
advanced information. Here's what to do.

1. Determine the unique wants and desires of yourprospective client.

Again, imagine your ideal client. What traits andcharacteristics does this client possess?

Strong desire for financial freedom

Well versed in the basics of the subject matter of yourcourse

Requires more advanced, sophisticated or detailedinformation

2. Develop services and solutions catering to the needs anddesires of specialized clients

Clients demanding high ticket items possess uniqueappetites, wants, and desires. Typically, these people are better educated in
the subject matter of your general course material, possess a higher degree of
sophistication, and desire more advanced material.

They desire more informative product and service lines andare willing to pay a premium price for the services they desire.

3. Anticipate and correct problems before they occur

A good buying experience cements the relationship betweenyou and your clients. Is there anything that impedes the fulfillment or
delivery of information to your client? Identify those issues and correct them.

4. Optimize processes to deliver services and mine customercontact information

Outline each step of the process flow your clientexperiences from the first moment they hit your website until the last bit of
course content is delivered. Streamline your process to deliver services in a
timely manner.

Your client selected you because they found something in thecontent of your coursework that fulfilled a need. You have them here, now is
your opportunity to really shine.

Deliver the content to the client efficiently andconsistently,

Collect customer contact information for post-salefollow-up,

Review service delivery processes and identify and eliminatewaste and inefficiencies.

Schachinger offers a full range of services that can betailored to the specific needs of our clients. They work closely with our
clients to understand their business goals and then develop a customized sales
plan to help them achieve those goals. During the implementation of the plan,
they provide ongoing support and advice to ensure our clients achieve maximum

A positive experience ensures that your client will returnto you the next time he or she requires services.

5. Provide superior customer service

Your clients deserve the best follow-on support you canprovide. Let's face it, though, sometimes problems do occur. But, this can be a
time to really shine and further cement your relationship with your client.

You promised to deliver a quality service/content to yourclient. In the event of a problem, do your best to make things right.

6. Personally follow up with high-ticket clients at regularintervals

Personally contact and follow up with your client. Surveyyour clients. Confirm client satisfaction and the performance of the item they
purchased. This is also an opportunity to announce special offers or new course

Productive High TicketProfits - 4 Secrets to Multiply Your High Ticket Profits

Gone are the days when you can count the number of peopleoffering high ticket products using your ten fingers. Today, as more and more
people are trying to make a living from the internet, the number of high ticket
products available in the market is incredibly huge.

Due to this fierce competition, it is now much harder togenerate sales much more multiply your high ticket profits. However, you can
still make these attainable by simply knowing and following these effective

1. Increase your prices. I know this is not something thatyou don't hear everyday but it will surely boost your revenue in no time - as
long as you know how to do the process right without losing a single client.

It would help if you can increase the perceived value ofyour offerings or if you can offer additional value-added products and services
before you charge more.

2. Create a product funnel. This simple marketing strategynever fails to amaze me. If you learn the ropes of creating a product funnel,
you'll surely get steps closer to your financial freedom.

This is the process of promoting repeat business to yourclients over and over again so you can get them to buy all of your products -
regardless of their tag prices. The key here is giving these people great
experience each time they purchase from you.

3. Be a problem-solver. If you want people to come to you,you've got to make them see how you can bring huge difference to their lives.
Help them out in solving their pressing issues for free - at least for the mean
time, so you can earn their trust. Participate on forums and blogs where people
usually air out the things that they are having troubles with and share your
two cents worth of advice.

4. Host teleseminars. Aside from article marketing, this isanother great way to build rapport with your clients while in the process of
earning their trust.

Design a teleseminar that is closely related to your highticket products and invite your potential clients to attend for free. The key
here is showing these people how much you know about your chosen niche and
building relationship with them to easily convince these people to do business
with you in the long run. Explore more